Ray Orth, Deputy Sheriff, Kansas City

"Before the training on strangulation by Ms. McKay, I only looked for the visible injuries on a victim.  The well-put-together class taught me to look beyond what I see, and learn to look for other clues of the crime.  My first case of strangulation came just a few months after my training.  I could see the bruising and that was all.  Remembering my training, I asked the victim to tell me more about what her body was telling her.  She was able to relate that she felt like throwing up (was nauseated), she had a raspy voice, and she felt like she was coming in and out of a dreamlike state.  Her abuser was arrested and placed on a 24 hour hold.  The prosecutor came through with the domestic assault 2nd degree that I requested.  I believe that without the training given by a qualified and interesting speaker, I may not have been as successful.  If you get a chance to go to Ms. McKay's training, I recommend it highly.  My peers are surprised that a deputy with my limited experience (2.5 years as a reserve, 90 days full-time) has this type of information."


"I wanted to update you on my first strangulation case. The victim decided not to testify and the prosecutor was going to drop the case. My partner and I convinced him to give it a try for the Preliminary Hearing. When I testified the PA asked about my specialized training. I explained what the training consisted of, and how I was trained to determine strangulation with out visible injuries. Even when the victim lied about the strangulation, my testimony was enough to move the case to arraignment and closer to a trial. This has everything to do with the training I received from your 7 hour class."


Jessica L. Pearson, Investigator


Lilia Ramos, Forensic Interviewer